Paul B. PlantJan 17, 20192 min readTrustsHow Does Medicaid Treat IncomeThe basic Medicaid Rule for nursing home residents is that they must all of their income, minus certain deductions, for their care. These...
Paul B. PlantAug 21, 20182 min readTrustsThe Benefits of Journaling About Your Life as a SeniorWriting down your life’s story can be helpful to both you and your loved ones. There are several benefits to keeping track of your life...
Paul B. PlantJun 4, 20182 min readTrustsCMS to Simplify Medicare Plan SelectionThe CMS is taking steps to make it easier to sort through Medicare coverage options, after a report said its current search options were...
Paul B. PlantSep 13, 20172 min readTrustsTransferring Assets and the Five Year Look-backWhen an individual applies for Medicaid assistance in a nursing home, one of the first questions that is asked of them has to do with...
Paul B. PlantJul 6, 20161 min readTrustsThe Best Way to Help a Grandchild with CollegeA college education — even at a highly rated private institution — was once regarded as a relatively affordable route to lifelong...
Paul B. PlantJan 25, 20162 min readTrustsHow Long Is A Will Valid??The mere passage of time has no effect on the validity of the will. Individuals and families experience life changes every 2 to 5 years....
Paul B. PlantMay 29, 20153 min readWillsMedicare: Closing the “Donut Hole”The government has made a commitment to close the “donut hole” gap in Medicare coverage by 2020, but many current beneficiaries still...
Paul B. PlantApr 16, 20155 min readTrustsGifts of HomeMost families purchase their largest personal residence in their mid-forties. Families with children often need the additional space....