How Medicare Handles Second Medical Opinions
Does Medicare cover second medical opinions? The doctor I currently see thinks I need back surgery, but I would like to find out more...
Does Medicare cover second medical opinions? The doctor I currently see thinks I need back surgery, but I would like to find out more...
Does Medicare cover second medical opinions? The doctor I currently see thinks I need back surgery, but I would like to find out more...
However unlikely, it is always a good idea to be properly prepared for any emergency, such as an emergency room trip. In the event of a...
Americans hoping to fund their post-work years on an average Social Security check of $1,410 a month may want to rethink their retirement...
The CMS is taking steps to make it easier to sort through Medicare coverage options, after a report said its current search options were...
It was her worst nightmare. Karen’s Aunt Marge was in the Emergency Room, and Karen was in the ER waiting room after a midnight phone...
The parent-child relationship is pretty well defined. Children generally don’t advise their parents. It’s the other way around. However,...
IRAs are one the trickiest assets for estate planning attorneys to handle for many reasons. First, they often are overlooked in the...
About half of Americans over 60 have completed some form of advance directives. Studies have shown that those who do outline a plan of...
November 28th, 2016, Elder Care Matters Q&A discusses the importance of selecting an Agent under a Power of Attorney Question: Who may...
A businessman with a $2.5 billion estate passed away in 1976. He was single and many individuals, mostly unrelated to him, filed more...
A college education — even at a highly rated private institution — was once regarded as a relatively affordable route to lifelong...
While day-to-day obligations can certainly get in the way, at some point as a parent of a child with special needs you will need to...
A family letter is a key part of a good estate plan. It is much more personal than many of your estate documents. A family letter allows...
Special needs trusts come in three main flavors — first-party special needs trusts, third-party special needs trusts, and pooled trusts....
What are the financial issues that come with remarrying later in life? I’ve been seeing a wonderful man for two years, and we’ve been...
Most Americans could stand to improve their knowledge of retirement planning, but it is especially important for unmarried women. Here’s...
Carol Bradley Bursack, with, shares this: A frequent problem expressed among adult children is that their parents aren’t...
Most families purchase their largest personal residence in their mid-forties. Families with children often need the additional space....
What is the best way to find a good in-home caregiver for my elderly mother? Finding a good in-home caregiver that’s dependable,...