3 Ways Seniors Can Conquer Fear of Falling
Fear of falling is a very real thing for many seniors. Many seniors may avoid walking just to keep from having a bad fall and risking...
Fear of falling is a very real thing for many seniors. Many seniors may avoid walking just to keep from having a bad fall and risking...
Advances in technology in the past few decades have allowed us to monitor ourselves and others. These advances have given us the ability...
One of the best things anyone can do for their health is to walk and walk often. A new study found that running or walking 15 miles a...
Being a caregiver is a very important job that requires a lot of skill, effort, and time from you, the caregiver. Sometimes, spending...
The United Methodist Foundation for the Memphis & Tennessee Conferences Endowment program continues to grow, because our churches and...
Thinking about Mom or Dad taking a fall is a scary thought indeed—every year more than 2 million older adults are taken to the ER to be...
While day-to-day obligations can certainly get in the way, at some point as a parent of a child with special needs you will need to...
Hollywood can be a great platform to provide mass exposure to many of the issues and challenges that plague society. It’s like the...
Carol Bradley Bursack, with AgingCare.com, shares this: A frequent problem expressed among adult children is that their parents aren’t...
What is the best way to find a good in-home caregiver for my elderly mother? Finding a good in-home caregiver that’s dependable,...
By Robert M. Slutsky, Esq. Robert Slutsky Associates Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, An ElderCare Matters Partner, The percentage of...
A colleague in Chicago, Robert Stelletello, Owner of Right at Home Oak Park / Chicago, has shared these thoughts in an ElderCare Matters...