Should You Move Your Senior Mom Directly from Hospital or Rehab to Assisted Living?
When it comes to your senior parents, the choice to move them at any time can be a difficult one. So when your senior loved one has had a...
When it comes to your senior parents, the choice to move them at any time can be a difficult one. So when your senior loved one has had a...
According to the 2017 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, a private, one-bedroom, single occupant unit in an assisted living community costs a...
When someone gets ready to move into an assisted living facility there will inevitably be a lot of paperwork involved. Much of that...
It was her worst nightmare. Karen’s Aunt Marge was in the Emergency Room, and Karen was in the ER waiting room after a midnight phone...
The parent-child relationship is pretty well defined. Children generally don’t advise their parents. It’s the other way around. However,...
Fear of falling is a very real thing for many seniors. Many seniors may avoid walking just to keep from having a bad fall and risking...
Elderspeak occurs when someone in a senior’s life, whether well-meaning or not, uses language that talks down to an older adult by...
Making the decision that it’s time for your senior parent to stop living alone can be difficult. The signs that there is a problem can be...
Sometimes, it’s hard for those closest to us to recognize when it’s time for a change, and it can be harder still for our loved ones to...
Being a caregiver is a very important job that requires a lot of skill, effort, and time from you, the caregiver. Sometimes, spending...
The mere passage of time has no effect on the validity of the will. Individuals and families experience life changes every 2 to 5 years....
Selecting a nursing home for a loved one is one of the most important and difficult decisions that you may be asked to make. This...
My friends at Country Cottage in Lawrenceburg, a part of the Cottage Senior Living Group, have graciously allowed me to share posts from...
A family letter is a key part of a good estate plan. It is much more personal than many of your estate documents. A family letter allows...
The living trust is becoming quite a popular estate planning strategy. It costs more than a will, but includes many features that are...
You have completed a will and perhaps a revocable living trust. Your durable power of attorney for healthcare and a living will are...
Think your documents are bulletproof? Check again to avoid these common mistakes. 1. Forgoing an expert’s review. There’s nothing wrong...
Published December 6, 2013 by The Foundation of the Tennessee and Memphis Conferences of the United Methodist Church The living trust is...
-Don L. Rosenberg, Attorney and Counselor The Center for Elder Law Troy, Michigan, An ElderCare Matters Partner, posted this article on...
Published August 17, 2012 United Methodist Foundation for the Tennessee and Memphis Conferences Planning for retirement and senior care...