Tips to Get Your Affairs in Order
In these very uncertain times, we all are aware that death or disability can come upon us at any time. If we are not prepared for that,...
The Paperwork of Aging: All About Living Wills, POAs, and Estate Planning
It was her worst nightmare. Karen’s Aunt Marge was in the Emergency Room, and Karen was in the ER waiting room after a midnight phone...
Role Reversal: Discussing Estate Planning with Aging Parents
The parent-child relationship is pretty well defined. Children generally don’t advise their parents. It’s the other way around. However,...
Basics of Estate Planning Re: IRAs
IRAs are one the trickiest assets for estate planning attorneys to handle for many reasons. First, they often are overlooked in the...
5 Ways Seniors Can Leave a Legacy for Their Grandchildren
You have a wealth of knowledge, stories, skills, and an important history that you want to make sure you pass down to your children and...
What Do You Own??
What Do You Own? John and Helen have been thinking about updating their estate plan. They called and made an appointment with Paul Plant...
The Consequences of Dying Without A Will
What will happen to my money and possessions if I die without a will? If you die without a will, what happens to your assets will be...
How to Plan An Affordable Funeral
When my brother died last year my sister and I had a regular funeral for him and got stuck with a $12,000 bill. Can you recommend some...
The Most Important Estate Planning Document
What is the most important estate planning document? Answer: The one estate planning document that everyone 18 and older should have is...
Your Family Letter – Memorial Services
A family letter is a key part of a good estate plan. It is much more personal than many of your estate documents. A family letter allows...
Your Living Trust Choices
The living trust is becoming quite a popular estate planning strategy. It costs more than a will, but includes many features that are...
Who Will Receive Your Property??
Great review of basic considerations before finalizing your estate plan. “Who should receive my property?” asked Helen to her attorney,...
Ten Reasons You Should Update Your Estate Plan
You have completed a will and perhaps a revocable living trust. Your durable power of attorney for healthcare and a living will are...
Four Costly Estate Planning Blunders
Think your documents are bulletproof? Check again to avoid these common mistakes. 1. Forgoing an expert’s review. There’s nothing wrong...
How to Divvy Up Your Stuff
What’s the best, conflict-free way to divvy up my personal possessions amongst my kids after I’m gone? I have jewelry, art, family...
Planning for the Non-Traditional Family
By Robert M. Slutsky, Esq. Robert Slutsky Associates Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, An ElderCare Matters Partner, The percentage of...